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Dates: April 28, 2021

Finding Connection: Top City Reads

Presenter(s) Autumn Friedli

What do you do when opportunities to share a great book are dampened because of a pandemic? You start a Facebook group and encourage people to share their latest reads! TSCPL created Top City Reads as a place for readers to engage with other readers and share great books. Created during a library shut down, Top City Reads is the place for readers to find connections. We’ve learned a lot since the group started in May, 2020 and we look forward to continuing this group on into the future. I'm excited to share how we did it.


Finding Connection: Top City Reads

What do you do when opportunities to share a great book are dampened because of a pandemic? You start a Facebook group and encourage people to share their latest reads! TSCPL created Top City Reads as a place for readers to engage with other readers and share great books. Created during a library shut down, Top City Reads is the place for readers to find connections. We’ve learned a lot since the group started in May, 2020 and we look forward to continuing this group on into the future. I'm excited to share how we did it.

Find out more about MPLA

The Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) is a twelve state association of librarians, library paraprofessionals and friends of libraries. Its purpose is to promote the development of librarians and libraries by providing significant educational and networking opportunities. The Association meets annually in joint conferences with member states on a rotational basis.